Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
- Plays a key role in the holistic development of our students as it focuses on development of specific knowledge, skills and values based on the student’s choice of CCA
- Offers 11 different CCAs ranging from Sports, Aesthetics, Clubs to a Uniformed Group
- All Primary 3 to 6 students are strongly encouraged to take part in 1 CCA
- CCA roadshow will be conducted annually in Term 4 for all Primary 2 students and Primary 3 and 4 students who are not in any CCA
- Students will indicate up to 4 preferred choices of CCA after the CCA roadshow
- To ensure full commitment, each student will only be allocated 1 CCA
The school will allocate each student with 1 CCA based on:
1. CCA availability
2. Students’ preference
3. Teachers’ recommendation
- Students will be informed of the CCA allocation through the respective CCA Teachers-in-charge who will brief and send out consent forms with the following year’s Term 1 schedule to all members
- Regular attendance is expected from all CCA members
- Parents’ letter or medical certificate must be produced to account for the absence from CCA
- Once committed to a CCA, students are expected to stay in the CCA for the remaining years at EPPS
- *Requests for change of CCA are only entertained once, students must submit a request form to CCA Teacher-in-charge. Students will be placed on the waiting list of their new chosen CCA depending on availability
* Students must have regular CCA attendance prior to the requests
The school will seek to provide opportunities for students to participate in competition, performance or school/community projects
Students will be selected for these opportunities based on:
1. Commitment with regular attendance
2. Demonstration of good attitude and values
3. CCA Specific Skills/knowledge and competency level
4. Teachers’ / Instructors’ / Coaches’ recommendation -
The school will also develop students’ values, 21st CC and leadership competencies through:
1. CCA leaders’ training
2. Mid and End Year Reflection Sessions
3. CCA Roadshow Showcase
4. CCA Appreciation